Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Buying a New House

I find myself in the market for a new home today.  The stress is unbelievable.  Driving from location to location with my agent, gathering money together for a down payment as well as proving to the bank that I am capable of paying the monthly payments, etc.  This process takes a lot out of you.

That doesn't even include the process of finding a house where my children will be safe to grow up in, and the neighbors aren't complete lunatics.  It seems like with all the foreclosures due to the poor economy, people are leaving their houses in terrible states of repair these days as well.

The house we finally settled on is slightly smaller than the one we are in now, but in much better condition and in an incredibly good neighborhood.  Additionally, the new house has a yard and space for a dog (something we have been wanting for a long time).

I figure that, worst comes to worst, we can live in the house for 3 years to avoid capital gains taxes, and then sell it off for way more than we bought it for (assuming the economy rebounds in 3 years...hopefully it will).


Anonymous said...

good luck with the house hope everything goes well my prayers

tune a fish said...

i am also in the market and it is retardedly nerve wracking

beyondhiphop said...

this can be a hard decision


Bobby said...

The toughest part for me is finding a place where the neighbors aren't complete loons, like you said. Seems like everywhere I go there loons are plentiful.

Focks MacLeod said...

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Also, don't forget to make sure each room in said house has enough electrical outlets....

Cliff = Mine

MMAblogguy said...

sounds like you found a nice place. good luck

Sean said...

Congrats on the potential new house! I can see it being a scary process... My girl and I have been thinking about starting to save and look for one ourselves, so let us all know how it goes!

Following and supporting!
