Well, I finally finished Assassin's Creed (yeah, yeah, I know. 3 years after everyone else). I'll give my impressions on that in the next blog entry (I'm a perfectionist...still need to get the flags). I will, however, make the comment that my two year old has been watching me through much of the play through. My wife was worried that he might be taking something negative away from the game, having watched all the killing and assassination and such. He refers to Assassin's Creed as the "he fall down" game. He likes to watch the character climb to the top of the buildings and then do the swan dive into the ground. He gets all excited as he watches me climb, occasionally looking back at me and saying knowingly 'he fall down'. This morning, I awoke to him taking swan dives onto my mattress, making the eagle cry sound as he falls face first into the mattress. Well, I guess that settles what he was thinking about while watching the game.
In other news, we were accepted for our mortgage loan. The next step is for the seller to fix the roof of the house, and then we will be moving in. I can't wait to have a backyard. Ive never had a backyard that wasnt attached to someone elses. It might be nice to sit out on the porch and know that I wont have anything interrupt my peaceful musings.
Lastly, I was accepted to grad school. I start in the fall. Yay!
Oh, I lied. Lastly: there is a lot of debate about who the Bucs pick in this years draft. We all know that the Bucs need an edge rusher, but just who will be available at that point, and who our scouts will like is a matter for huge debate. I must say though, my number one choice would be Justin Houston, and I would be rather upset if we got Adrian Clayborn.
Any of you guys have opinions on the draft?